01261 843598

Dial-A-Bus Service


Our buses are used to take clients shopping. If you live in our area and don’t have a car or easy access to public transport, the shopping bus could just be what you are looking for.

We offer a door to door service giving you a choice of towns and supermarkets and shops to shop. And, for those of you who have a One Scotland bus pass the service is free. All we ask for in return is a small donation to help with replacing the buses. Please call us for more information.


The Dial a Bus service is a godsend to me . . .

Pat Gardner

Dial-A-Bus Client

I love getting out and meeting people . . .

Mavis Wise

Dial-A-Bus Client

Banffshire Partnership Ltd. is a Company Limited by Guarantee in Scotland. Reg No. 201922 Registered Office: 1A Cluny Square, Buckie, AB56 1AH.
Recognised as a Charity by the Inland Revenue. No. SCO29693.
Banffshire Partnership Ltd. is recognised as a Local Rural Partnership by the Scottish Executive.


